Since the advent of WordPress over 15 years ago, the platform has helped millions of businesses and individuals to build websites and establish their presence online. Today, around one-third of the total websites use WordPress as content management system (CMS) because of its ease-of-use and simplicity.
WordPress plugins make the CMS what it is today because no WordPress website can acquire its complete functionality without using plugins. Please do not get it wrong and start thinking that it is mandatory to use plugins. No, there is no compulsion of using plugins, but with plugins, life becomes easier with WordPress as you can achieve much more. Obviously, you would hardly find a WordPress website that does not use some plugins. However, keep in mind that the plugins can do as much good as it can harm the SEO prospects of your website if you do not know its correct use.
In this age of technology, it is important to have a digital presence in the form of a website. Whether you use it for publicity, to sell your goods or services or even as a means of earning money is entirely up to you. However, as you go digital, you always face the risk of someone hacking your website. When your website gets hacked, you might suffer a huge blow financially or even have your reputation affected.
The current hacker attacks around the world over the last year revealed to the world the dangerous potentials of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. That revelation begs the question: is the world truly ready to embrace the internet of things (IoT)? Apparently, we are not.
There are many scenarios that could lead to a lost website. Some of the most common include activities of hackers, incompatibility with new or updated software and hardware failure on the server side. Some inexperienced website owners have made the mistake of deleting their site while in the cPanel too.
Some browsers don’t support CSS as well as others. Some designs require CSS-hacks to assure browser compatibility. I think that the most used CSS hack must be the use of Conditional Comments, but the major disadvantage of Conditional Comments is that they require to change the HTML file. Sometimes it’s not possible or not convenient to change the HTML, for example when you already have a site with hundreds of pages and you don’t want to add the conditional comments to make use of the new design.