Web Developer extension available for upcoming Firefox 3

The Web Developer add-on now supports the latest version of the Mozilla Firefox browser, according to an announcement on author Chris Pederick's website. Firefox 3, currently in beta, is expected to ship in a couple of months, and the Web Developer add-on has become an essential and irreplaceable tool to many web designers.


The add-on expands Firefox with dozens of functionalities, commonly required by web designers and developers. With it, they can access complete information about the display and inheritance properties of any DOM or HTML element. Additional tools allow real-time editing of a page's HTML and CSS, rapid code validation, cookie manipulation, etc. This software has a dedicated following mainly due to two things: first, some of the options it provides are uniquely useful (others are available elsewhere but are conveniently bundled together), and second -- it saves a lot of time by integrating those functions directly into your browser.


The latest version of Firefox is reportedly faster and uses less memory than its predecessors and competing browsers; if that turns indeed to be the case, its market share should rocket into the double digits mere weeks after the official launch. The availability of the Web Developer add-on will no doubt further establish its position as a web designer's favorite.


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